4th Dec 2013
A Pocket full of tags
Apart from search, one other key part of Hshtags is the concept of lists. What are lists you ask? Think of lists as a pocket full of related tags. They allow for organization and a central place to save all of your favorite tags. There is no right or wrong kind of list as long as it makes sense to you. Here’s an example of what possible lists are:
Nike Brand Tags
- #justdoit
- #nike
- #fuelband
ABC Primetime Shows
- #scandal
- #greysanatomy
- #revenge
- even tags associated with a certain show, eg. #huckstoolbox (from scandal)
What makes lists unique is the ability to view posts associated with all tags in the list as opposed to looking up one tag at a time. You can view your lists in the side nav or on your profile page.

What kinds of lists are you creating? Tweet them at us @thehshtagsteam. If we receive 50 lists, we will feature them in ‘Featured Lists’, a new section of our site to come.
As always, let us know how we’re doing at [email protected] . If you come across any issues creating your lists or just have questions, let us know. Til then, #HappyTagging.