Everything and anything Hshtags and hashtags related.HshtagsTumblr (3.0; @hshtagsblog)http://blog.hshtags.com/Retweet, like or comment within a feed!<p>Introducing <strong>Conversations, </strong>the latest addition to our feature family! <span>Now you are able to respond inline to posts within a feed. </span>In this release, we are supporting the following platforms:</p> <p><strong>Twitter:</strong> Retweet, Favorite, Reply<br/><strong>Instagram:</strong> Like<br/><strong>Tumblr:</strong> Like, Reblog<br/><strong>Flickr:</strong> Favorite, Comment<br/><strong>Vimeo:</strong> Like, Comment</p> <p>Here is an example of a tweet on Hshtags:</p> <p><img alt="image" src="http://hshtags.com/webroot/img/blog/conversations_twitter.png"/></p> <p>We hope you are as excited about this new addition as we are! If you come across any issues, please send us an email at <a href="mailto:[email protected]">[email protected]</a>. Let us know what you think!</p> <p>As always,<br/>#RespectTheHashtag</p>http://blog.hshtags.com/post/89652225058http://blog.hshtags.com/post/89652225058Mon, 23 Jun 2014 09:07:45 -0400hshtagshshtagsfeatureconversationssocialhubWorld Cup 2014 kicks off with Brazil vs Croatia!<p>Don’t miss out on the conversation around the first kickoff. Set your homepage to <a href="http://hshtags.com/tags/v/WorldCup"><strong>#WorldCup</strong></a> or <strong><a href="http://hshtags.com/tags/v/BraVsCro" target="_blank">#BraVsCro</a> </strong>to stay up to date with the fans!</p> <p><strong>Here’s how:</strong></p> <p>- Head to your settings page.<br/>- Under default homepage, type the tag of your choice.<br/>- Confirm this change with the ‘Set Default Homepage’ button.</p> <p>That’s it. Follow and join the conversation while enjoying the game!</p> <p><strong>Tip:</strong> Follow our <strong><a href="http://hshtags.com/lists/v/hshtagsteam/world-cup-countries">Countries</a></strong> and <strong><a href="http://hshtags.com/lists/v/hshtagsteam/world-cup-daily-matches">Matches</a></strong> taglists to see who’s playing and when.</p>http://blog.hshtags.com/post/88585092803http://blog.hshtags.com/post/88585092803Thu, 12 Jun 2014 13:28:00 -0400worldcupmatcheskickoffsportsNY TechDay 2014!<p>We made it through our first big expo! NY TechDay was an amazing experience. The foot traffic was unbelievable and it was great to see so many people loving our product. We received a lot of feedback from persons in various roles in the social media industry and even from those who weren’t. There is much more in store for Hshtags this year and we are excited for the future. Stay tuned for our next expo appearance!</p> <p><span><img alt="image" src="http://hshtags.com/webroot/img/blog/hshtagsbooth_big.jpg"/></span></p> <p>Photo: “The calm before the storm”</p>http://blog.hshtags.com/post/84031214088http://blog.hshtags.com/post/84031214088Sun, 27 Apr 2014 12:38:00 -0400nytechdaynytdhshtagsexpoWeekend Hashtag Project with Instagram<p><span><span></span><span>In honor of Earth Day earlier this week, the goal this weekend is to go out and show your appreciation for our planet and document it through creative photos and videos, using the hashtag </span><a class="_58cn" href="https://www.facebook.com/hashtag/whpappreciateearth" data-ft='{"tn":"*N","type":104}'>#WHPappreciateEarth</a><span>.</span><br/><br/><span>Check the Instagram blog for more details:  </span><a href="http://blog.instagram.com/post/83854428428/whp-118" rel="nofollow nofollow" target="_blank">http://blog.instagram.com/post/83854428428/whp-118</a><br/><br/><span>Check out all the posts so far: </span><a href="http://hsht.gs/1tRww6v" rel="nofollow nofollow" target="_blank">http://hsht.gs/1tRww6v</a><br/></span></p>http://blog.hshtags.com/post/84038045131http://blog.hshtags.com/post/84038045131Sat, 26 Apr 2014 13:51:00 -0400whpappreciateearthearthdayphotosinstagramhashtagprojectEmbed that tag!<p>Our first widget is now available for everyone to use! You can now embed any hashtag feed on your website, using our Embeddable Tag Search widget. There are three themes available: the Hshtags Salmon and Teal or a neutral grey.</p> <p><img alt="image" src="//hshtags.com/webroot/img/blog/embed_screenshot.png"/></p> <p>Visit <strong><a href="http://hshtags.com/widgets" title="Hshtags Widgets">http://hshtags.com/widgets</a> </strong>to create your own Embeddable Tag Search and as always, let us know what you think!</p> <p>Happy Embedding!</p>http://blog.hshtags.com/post/77908589231http://blog.hshtags.com/post/77908589231Wed, 26 Feb 2014 09:53:27 -0500hshtagshshtagsfeatureembedstagsearchA quick look into hshtags.com featuring the Founder and CEO, Kim...<iframe src="//player.vimeo.com/video/84771015" width="400" height="224" frameborder="0" title="Introduction to Hshtags" webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen allowfullscreen></iframe><br/><br/><p><span>A quick look into hshtags.com featuring the Founder and CEO, Kim Goulbourne.</span></p>http://blog.hshtags.com/post/74277737568http://blog.hshtags.com/post/74277737568Thu, 23 Jan 2014 09:22:56 -0500hshtagshshtagsmediavideofounderkimgoulbourneWe were Netted by the Webbys today! <p><span>"Five years ago, a “hashtag” was something you got at a diner or from your college roommate. These days, they’re all over Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, and your 14-year-old cousin Luke actually uses it in sentences, which feels wrong…"</span></p> <p><strong>See more at</strong>: <a href="http://netted.net/2014/01/17/hshtags/" target="_blank">http://netted.net/2014/01/17/hshtags/</a></p>http://blog.hshtags.com/post/73795152797http://blog.hshtags.com/post/73795152797Fri, 17 Jan 2014 00:00:00 -0500nettedwebbysreviewhshtagspressA Pocket full of tags<p>Apart from search, one other key part of Hshtags is the concept of lists. What are lists you ask? Think of lists as a pocket full of related tags. They allow for organization and a central place to save all of your favorite tags. There is no right or wrong kind of list as long as it makes sense to you. Here’s an example of what possible lists are:</p> <div class="post_body"> <p><strong>Nike Brand Tags</strong></p> <ul><li>#justdoit</li> <li>#nike</li> <li>#fuelband</li> </ul><p><strong>ABC Primetime Shows</strong></p> <ul><li>#scandal</li> <li>#greysanatomy</li> <li>#revenge</li> <li>even tags associated with a certain show, eg. #huckstoolbox (from scandal)</li> </ul><p>What makes lists unique is the ability to view posts associated with all tags in the list as opposed to looking up one tag at a time. You can view your lists in the side nav or on your profile page.</p> <div class="post_body"><img alt="image" src="http://hshtags.com/webroot/img/blog/lists_img.png"/> </div> <div class="post_body"> <p><span>What kinds of lists are you creating? Tweet them at us </span><a href="https://twitter.com/TheHshtagsTeam" title="@thehshtagsteam">@thehshtagsteam</a><span>. If we receive 50 lists, we will feature them in ‘Featured Lists’, a new section of our site to come.</span></p> <p>As always, let us know how we’re doing at <a href="mailto:[email protected]" title="[email protected]" target="_blank">[email protected]</a> . If you come across any issues creating your lists or just have questions, let us know. Til then, #HappyTagging.</p> </div> </div>http://blog.hshtags.com/post/69043198623http://blog.hshtags.com/post/69043198623Wed, 04 Dec 2013 22:48:00 -0500hshtagstiphshtagslistsVideo<iframe width="400" height="224" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/57dzaMaouXA?feature=oembed" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe><br/><br/>http://blog.hshtags.com/post/67339293877http://blog.hshtags.com/post/67339293877Thu, 07 Nov 2013 23:54:00 -0500hshtagstipvideosocialmediaYoutube Posts, Account-free Search and More!<p>You spoke, we listened and here’s our first update:</p> <ul><li>You no longer have to sign up to search but you have to login or sign up to follow tags and create or view lists. Signing up also gives you the ability to view posts from people in your network on each platform as we only return public posts.</li> <li>Youtube posts have now been added to the results feed.</li> <li>We have made the sign up process a little easier to understand and a step by step process.</li> <li>We took note of the features you requested and are working to implement them in future updates.</li> </ul><p>Keep sending your feedback to<a href="mailto:[email protected]" title="[email protected]"><strong> [email protected]</strong></a>, so we can continue to improve your experience!</p>http://blog.hshtags.com/post/63849919060http://blog.hshtags.com/post/63849919060Sat, 12 Oct 2013 16:04:00 -0400hshtagsupdatehshtagsnewshshtagsYour favorite TV shows & their social streams.<h3>Social conversations made easy through hashtags.</h3> <div class="post-field body"> <p class="grid-breaking-override">At first I was repulsed at the idea on having any social stream open while watching an episode of my favorite show but then I tried it. Why? Because I was intrigued at the concept of being able to track the conversation around the show especially during the premiere or finale. It’s sometimes entertaining yet can be annoying, especially if some mean person decides to spill spoilers. Regardless, it added to the experience so I kept at it.</p> <p class="grid-breaking-override"><strong><span>#greysanatomy</span></strong><em> (Twitter stream during the Season 10 premiere of Grey’s Anatomy)</em></p> <div><strong><strong><img alt="image" src="http://media.tumblr.com/d37661e8b24c546c51ee64883d02990e/tumblr_inline_mu20pnUB251s8g4v5.png"/></strong></strong></div> <p>What made this possible and what made it easy? Hashtags. Some people may stop reading by this point because they despise hashtags and that’s ok. <em>They are so overused, misused and abused that by this point I’d prefer not to participate in any hashtags debate.</em> But the fact still remains that they exist, they are a powerful marketing tool and an even more powerful conversation tool within the social sphere.</p> <p>Now with regards to conversations around TV shows, they are an exciting and liberating way to share thoughts and opinions publicly and allowing others to respond. It’s always so interesting to see what someone else (who is not my friend) thinks of the show; their own personal reactions and opinions. Now sometimes I admit it’s distracting so I tend to open Twitter or Facebook in the commercial breaks but otherwise, I’m hooked.</p> <br/><br/><p><strong>Kim Goulbourne</strong><br/>CEO & Founder</p> </div>http://blog.hshtags.com/post/62917324581http://blog.hshtags.com/post/62917324581Wed, 02 Oct 2013 14:32:00 -0400tvpremieresfinalesepisodessocialstreamsThe Anatomy of a Branded Hashtag Hijacking<a href="http://digiday.com/brands/branded-hashtag-hijacking/">The Anatomy of a Branded Hashtag Hijacking</a>: <p>"A breakdown of how Tide’s #cleanwins hashtag campaign very quickly evolved, or rather devolved, after it launched."</p> <p><span>Creating branded hashtags can either end up being a success or a complete mess. Regardless, they are still a go-to for brand marketing strategies.</span></p> <p><strong><a href="http://digiday.com/brands/branded-hashtag-hijacking/" title="http://digiday.com/brands/branded-hashtag-hijacking/">http://digiday.com/brands/branded-hashtag-hijacking/</a></strong></p>http://blog.hshtags.com/post/62713344620http://blog.hshtags.com/post/62713344620Mon, 30 Sep 2013 08:55:00 -0400brandstidemarketingadvertisingPhoto<img src="http://38.media.tumblr.com/6d9197d07ad9bb10963f2f4ca4f2f95d/tumblr_mtk67pG5Xk1sh8qero1_500.jpg"/><br/><br/>http://blog.hshtags.com/post/62029929753http://blog.hshtags.com/post/62029929753Sun, 22 Sep 2013 23:11:49 -0400hashiconhshtagsmascotdeskaccessoryHshtags.com is now live!<p>We are live and in beta! Visit <strong><a href="http://www.facebook.com/l.php?u=http%3A%2F%2Fhshtags.com%2F&h=cAQE9_TPR&s=1" rel="nofollow nofollow" target="_blank">http://hshtags.com/</a></strong> and please email us at <strong><a href="mailto:[email protected]" title="[email protected]">[email protected]</a></strong> or <strong><a href="mailto:[email protected]" title="[email protected]">[email protected]</a></strong> with any feedback or issues you may have with the site.<br/><br/>Thanks for all the support thus far! Happy Tagging.</p>http://blog.hshtags.com/post/60615638552http://blog.hshtags.com/post/60615638552Sun, 08 Sep 2013 01:00:00 -0400hshtagslaunchhshtagsupdatethehshtagsteamliveLaunch date announced!<p>After a successful test session a few days ago, we are proud to announce the official launch date of Hshtags! We will be going live on September 8th, 2013 at 12:01am.</p> <p>It has been a long journey to the beginning, but we are excited to finally take you along for the ride. Please feel free to contact us with any questions, concerns and most importantly, feedback. Till then, happy tagging!</p>http://blog.hshtags.com/post/60038029402http://blog.hshtags.com/post/60038029402Sun, 01 Sep 2013 22:51:00 -0400launchhshtagsupdatesreleasedateGreetings from the Hshtags team!<p>Welcome to the official home for news, updates and answers from the team here at Hshtags. Stay up to date with new features, tag picks and trends.</p>http://blog.hshtags.com/post/60033723706http://blog.hshtags.com/post/60033723706Sat, 31 Aug 2013 22:00:00 -0400hshtagshshtagsnewshshtagsupdatesthehshtagsteam